Form Name | Description | Format |
Check Request | This form is used to request funding for an event. Used for either a cash advance or a reimbursement. | |
Cash Advance | This form is used as a contract between the student and the SFAO when a cash advance has been requested. | |
Journal Entry | This form is used to transfer funds between accounts. Example: Transferring money from the revenue account to the general account to pay for vendor services. | |
Lost Receipt Form | This form is used when original receipts have been lost or stolen. Fill out this form and bring it to the SFAO for a reimbursement. | |
Standard Contract | For professional entertainment vendors, this university contract must be completed and signed by the performer, and a student affairs administrator. | |
Letter of Intent | When a student group has raised money to donate, this letter of intent should be completed and brought to the SFAO to confirm the amount and recipient of the check. | |
Gift Card Request | This form is used when your group uses its funds to purchase gift cards to give to recipients. It must be completed prior to the gift card being given away and requires information of the recipient. | |
Gift Card Signature Form | Use this form to obtain the necessary signatures required to purchase a gift card. |