What can/can’t I buy?
Approved Purchases
- Food for open meetings
- Supplies for open meetings
- Event rentals
- Event vendors/performances
- $50 of food for a general body meeting each month
Prohibited Purchases
- Clothes (from general account)
- Alcohol, or Alcohol related item (flasks, shot glasses)
- Supplies for inclusive meetings
- Loans
- Personal use
How do I get a performer for an event? (Example: D.J, Lecture, concerts)
- Contact the Office of Campus Involvement before making any plans to make sure that the performer is approved
- A Standard University Contract must be completed, signed by the performer, and a Rutgers Camden Student Affairs Administrator (form can be found on this site)
- After the contract is completed, the check request process can be carried out
How do I request food or catering for an event?
- Food/Catering: The only approved caterer is Gourmet Dining
Other vendors may be used, but a certificate of insurance (COI) is required. The organization must also appeal to describe why the vendor must be used over Gourmet Dining.
- You can contact the restaurant for the COI, they will provide it at no cost
- Contact the vendor to receive a quote for the food
- Request a Certificate of Liability Insurance (COI)
- Bring COI and invoice to SFAO for check processing
Can I use the Rutgers Trademark on custom made products?
- Gifts/Clothing: Any products that use the Rutgers logo must be purchased through a Rutgers approved licensed vendor
- List of approved vendors
What do I do if I lose my receipts from a purchase?
- A lost receipt form must be completed and sent to the Student Fund Accounting Office. They can be picked up in office or found on the Forms tab