Step 1: Do I need a cash advance or a Reimbursement?
- You can request an advance when:
- Supplies are under $500
- Check is written directly to a student for supplies
- Products have not been purchased by student
- You cannot use an advance when:
- The products have already been purchased
- The products are over $500
- When directly paying the vendor (invoice provided)
Step 2(a): Requesting a Reimbursement (In Office)
Filling out the check request
- Make check payable to: The full name of the individual or organization that is receiving the check
- Include the address of the individual or organization if the check will be mailed.
- Business purpose for expense: A description of what is being purchased with the check.
- Good Example: Pizza for (Insert Event Name), (Date)
- Bad Example: Food for event
- Total Amount: The amount of money requested for the check or cash advance.
Restaurant tips should be included
- Organization: Name the student group that the money will be taken from.
- General account is funds provided from SGA
- Revenue account is for fundraising and dues
- Budget Subcategory: Filled out by SFAO
- Authorized Signature: Group President or Treasurer
- The individual requesting the check can not authorize it
- Student Affairs Signature: RU Administrator signature
- Check requested by: Name of individual requesting the check. Please leave email and phone number
- Office Pick up or Mail?
Step 2(b): requesting an advance (In Office)
Check Request Process remains the same
- Request for a check to purchase food/supplies for events, paid directly from the Student Fund Office
- Follow Check request procedures
- Check Request- Pay for supplies. Bring receipt, get reimbursed
- Advance Request – Receive check. Purchase supplies, bring back receipts, remaining cash/change that was not used, complete advance reconciliation form.
- This method is preferred over check reimbursement
- Cash advance agreement: A contract between SFAO and the student to receive the check, purchase the supplies listed, and return the unused funds to deposit back into student group account.
- Check Request: Completed the same as a reimbursement
- Advance Reconciliation: Completed form as documentation of what amount was spent and what is being returned
Step 3: Making a Purchase Request (Online)
- Go to Engage
- Log in and find your student group under the “Organizations” Tab
- Click on “Create Purchase Request”
- Subject: Name of the event or purpose for the transaction
- Requested Amount: The total of the expenses for the check
- Description: A description of what is being purchased with the check
- Account: Which student group? (General/Revenue)
- Category: Sub account to agree with description
- Payee Information: Name and address of the individual receiving the check
- Check Disbursement Information: Office Pick Up or Mail?
- For vendors: Please attach form w-9 and invoice, and include vendor SSN#